Does having a high IQ guarantee success in life? No, it doesn’t. This does not even assure success in school.
A Canadian-based TV program recently monitors some of the people that possess a high IQ in North America. One man, who has a very high IQ, works as a motor mechanic, hangs out with gangs, and is often in and out of prison.
Another one interviewed on the TV program has the highest IQ witnessed in North America- worked as a guard in a club for almost a decade, earning minimum rate, and lives in a tiny garage. This only shows that having an IQ doesn’t assure success in life.
IQ tests measure a specific kind of potential, and that possibility still have to be developed and nurtured by the individual who possesses it. That individual might not have the desire or willingness to do so. Not all who have a budding talent also have the inclination to carry out something with it.
One human being might have a remarkable God-given talent like dancing but is not interested in improving his skill and makes no wish to perform. Another one might have the best physique to be a sportsman but might hate sports. Perhaps, you can imagine other examples. Remember, having potential is only a beginning.
IQ tests can predict which one has a specific intellectual potential; however, they don’t essentially forecast who will be a good and better teacher, a good lawyer, a good supervisor, a good mayor or president, or a good parent. According to many critics, IQ tests can only predict who will do very well on IQ exams.
What Constituents Success?

Unique features or qualities like vision and determination can be more vital to a person’s ultimate success than IQ. Being optimistic, creative as well as flexible are essential hallmarks of a lot of successful people. The capability to get along with others and understand a better concept if you find one might be more valuable than having a high IQ.
Even IQ exams measure a specific factor of intelligence, and there is no complete agreement that what isis being measured is real intelligence. A standard intelligence exam concentrates a lot on discovering and measuring logical, linguistic, and mathematical capability. However, is that similar to excellence as intelligence? Or is intelligence something broader and broader than that?
I have met people who have many book smarts; however, they seem to have no life smarts. Should I really be saying that they are smart? Some who did weak in studies often become successful in life. So, what is the reason why our current IQ exams seem not capable of forecasting or explaining this result?
A person might have failed grimly in school and yet become smart in advertising. Is this individual stupid or bright? If a person is a good scientist, however, is not able to pick an appropriate mate, is she or he really extremely bright? Was Picasso incompetent as he was not an intelligent mathematician? Was Albert Einstein inept as he was not a good artist?
Which one has more brightness or intelligence? How should you define intelligence? Can I measure it? What’s exactly is intelligence?

Many professionals in the area of intelligence have wished for what we have to widen our comprehension of what brightness is and its role in a successful life. Howard Gardner, a psychologist at Harvard University, has recommended that we think of a wide array of abilities and talents as valid types of cleverness. In a book entitled “Frames of Mind: Theories of Multiple Intelligences, he has proposed the presence of seven forms of intelligence: logical-mathematical, verbal-linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, visual-spatial, musical, intrapersonal and social interpersonal.
Robert Sternberg also suggested that we think of three different forms of intelligence. One form is the capability to think rationally and logically, thriving well in an academic form of environment. Another form of intelligence determined by Robert is the capability to crop up with creative solutions to real-life situations. In contrast, the third form of intelligence is to understand people psychologically and interacting efficiently with them.
A significantly different viewpoint on the IQ issue is shown in the bestselling book of Daniel Goldman entitled Emotional Intelligence. He offers a clarification for why a high IQ doesn’t always result in success in life or the job. EQ or Emotional Quotient has been taken for granted, an essential component for success in life.
The capability to interact with others, to be determined, optimistic are amongst the vital aspects that add to the success, maybe even more than intellectual capability. So, are you beginning to understand that intelligence isn’t only a question of a person’s test score number, which limits his or her possibilities forever? If I define intelligence firstly as the ability for logical, linguistic, and mathematical thinking, I might be missing other types of intelligence, which are vital.
Suppose you know your IQ score. Never think of it as limiting your potential. If you have an average IQ, it doesn’t mean you’re restricted to a life of average success as well as average accomplishment.
If you have an above-average IQ, it doesn’t assure you will have a simple and successful life. You cannot use a high IQ score as an excuse not to try harder in life. This is just a number. It doesn’t define a person, and it doesn’t limit you. It is only your starting point. Keep in mind that there are other vital qualities you have, and all you need is to develop them to become successful.
How vital is a High IQ?
The conclusion here is that in today’s world, intelligence is much appreciated. Once you have above average IQ, the chance of becoming successful in studies and life is high. The significance of having a good IQ must not be exaggerated. Other features are also vital in reaching success in life, like motivation, dedication, social skills, and self-confidence. Someone smart yet lazy may be less successful in due course than those who are not smart but work harder.