Category Intelligence

How sugar affects our brain

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Researchers found out that the brain of a human has high plasticity, which can be structured through lifestyle and diet choices. Unfortunately, I have been persuaded by the sugar and processed foods industries into thinking that it is completely practical…

What Is It Like to Have a High IQ?

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Having a high Intelligence Quotient (IQ) can be considered a gift since not all people can have this extraordinary talent. However, it does not mean that you are already ahead of others if you have a High-IQ. Many realizations come…

Are IQ Tests Accurate?

scientia potentia est

Photo by Moose People these days live in an era that perceives intelligence as part of an individual’s value. Smart people get into the best universities, get the best jobs, get the highest salaries, and are the leaders and models…

Careers That Require the Highest IQ


Having a career that’s below your IQ can be boring. It is not challenging at all. Employees feel they are professional, and personal competencies do not improve. Also, people with high IQ would not stay committed to getting their job…